Caregiver Wellness Day

posted 10/16/2018 in Press Releases

Are you a caregiver for an older family member or friend?  You may not consider what you do as caregiving. Do you help with your parents’ household chores and finances? Or mow your neighbor’s yard? Do you drive an elderly friend to her doctor appointment?  If so, then you are among approximately 43.5 million Americans who provide informal care each year. The care you provide allows your friend or loved one to stay independent and in their home for as long as they desire. 

Many caregivers are providing care for an older adult while working and caring for their own families.  While caregiving can be rewarding, it can also be stressful. Unfortunately, many caregivers will forego their own needs to care for others.

To celebrate caregivers during National Family Caregiver Month (November), Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging is hosting a Caregiver Wellness Day.  This free event will be held on Friday, November 16 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Stone Ridge Community Church, 1111 Montgomery Street in Decorah.

The Caregiver Wellness Day will feature a luncheon, vendor fair, chair massages and a special presentation from Karen Bergan and Michelle Williams entitled, “Taking Care of YOU!” All caregivers of older individuals or disabled persons are welcome.  For more information or to register, please call Kelly Kuennen at 563-277-6024 or Kristie Wiltgen at 563-277-6021.

Call 877-538-0508 or complete a Request for Information

Empowering you to age with confidence.