Marshalltown Senior Center Update

posted 9/11/2018 in Press Releases

The Marshalltown Senior Center, operated by Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging, was damaged beyond repair during the July 19 tornadoes.  This valuable resource for the community offered not only a hot, nutritious meal, but also a gathering place for seniors to meet with friends, have access to valuable information, participate in activities, and feel connected to the community. Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging also operated the home delivered meal program out of the senior center delivering meals to home bound seniors in the Marshalltown area. 

“We were able to get the home delivered meal portion of our services back up and going by the end of July, operating out of the Central Christian Church,” stated Cara Ferch, Regional Coordinator for Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging.  “We are still looking for a reasonably priced or donated space that is easily accessible for our meal program and activities.”  

Research has shown that social interaction offers older adults many benefits.  The Marshalltown Senior Center offers many classes, activities, as well as a meal site for people to congregate and enjoy visiting with their friends and fellow community members. Staying socially active and maintaining interpersonal relationships can help older adults maintain good physical and emotional health and cognitive function.

Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging is looking for a location that is easily accessible, able to hold 15 to 25 older adults Monday through Friday for a hot lunch. The location would also be used for meals to be dropped off for volunteers to pick up and deliver to home bound seniors in the community. If you know of a location or would like to volunteer to deliver meals, please contact Cara Ferch at 641-691-6420 or email  

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Empowering you to age with confidence.