Active Caregivers

Are you a family caregiver?

Examples of family caregiving may include:

  • You call your friend a few times a day to check on her and make sure she’s safe
  • You stop by your mother’s house every week to pay her bills and take her grocery shopping
  • You work, and take care of your live-in father
  • Your spouse has Alzheimer’s and needs constant care, so you provide it

You can be a family caregiver without even realizing it.  You might not even think about what you do. But caregiving is vitally important, and support is available near you.

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Providing care can be difficult. We can help.

There are millions of family caregivers in the United States providing a vast array of emotional, financial, nursing, social, homemaking and other services on a daily or on an intermittent basis. Caregiving can be a balancing act, especially if you’re employed, have other responsibilities or have health problems of your own.

We’re Here for You When You’re There for Others

We know that the caregiving work you do is important. We know you wouldn’t have it any other way. But we also know that caregiving can be just as exhausting as it is rewarding.  Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging is here to help you take the best care of others and to make sure you also take care of yourself.

Services for Caregivers:

  • Information and referral
  • Planning assistance
  • Training
  • Support groups
  • Respite care
  • Supplemental services

You can’t do it all alone. And you don’t have to.  

When you help family members or older friends maintain their independence safety, you provide and invaluable gift.  

Our Family Caregiver Specialists share knowledge and experience to connect you with the help you need.  They will listen to your request or problem, answer questions, give choices of services providers in your area and make referrals if you wish. Information about financial assistance and benefits to fund the services you need will be available.

Call 877-538-0508 or complete a Request for Information

Empowering you to age with confidence.