Independent Seniors

Services are available to help you or your loved one remain independent. Our information specialists will help you explore all the available options allowing you to make an informed decision. 

Here are some of the valuable services we offer.

LifeLong Links

This is the first place to go to get accurate, unbiased information and assistance about programs and services available for older adults and persons with disabilities. The information specialists will help you navigate through the resources available to empower you to make an informed decision about long-term care supports and services. If needed options counselors will step in to help with a more in-depth analysis and assistance.  To get started call toll-free 866.468.7887.

Case Management

If given the choice most people would say they prefer to stay in their own homes as they age. Case management services gives people that option. Case managers meet with the older adults and their caregivers to complete an in-home assessment and offer options available for needed services. Once services are chosen, a personalized plan of care is developed and monitored.

Nutrition Services

Proper nutrition is the key to remaining healthy, fighting off disease and remaining active and independent. NEI3A provides nutritionally balanced meals to help older persons meet recommended daily dietary requirements. A variety of meal options are available including meal sites, home delivered meals, and frozen and shelf stable meals.

Caregiver Support

Caregiver specialists provide general caregiving information and connect family and friends with helpful resources for caregiving.  Educational workshops provide family caregivers with the skills and confidence to better care for themselves while caring for another person. Support groups are also available in some NEI3A counties.

Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

Empowering seniors to prevent healthcare fraud by providing information that help seniors protect, detect and report Medicare fraud. SMP provides information on scams and identity theft schemes to help raise public awareness and prevent more people from becoming victims.

And much more!

NEI3A also offers elder abuse prevention programs, transportation assistance, respite services, disaster assistance, evidence based classes such as Matter of Balance and Better Choices Better Health, advocacy, and educational and fitness activities throughout the service area.

Getting Started...

Call the LifeLong Links-Aging & Disability Resource Center toll-free at 877-538-0508 or fill out the Request for Information form.

Call 877-538-0508 or complete a Request for Information

Empowering you to age with confidence.